Consistency by definition is the steadfast adherence to the same principles, course or form. It is also something that this generation seems to lack in
addition to being persistent when it comes to anything. Today's generation will frequently wonder as to why they haven't moved up into a higher position at a job, they'll wonder why they were never picked for a grant or scholarship and far too many amazing people in this world force themselves to deal with other's consistent which is never necessary! Consistency coupled with persistence is a lethal combination that when used right can take you anywhere you want to be in life. It especially goes a long way when speaking of interpersonal relationships.
Let's take a moment and think of a way of how NOT being consistent has ever gotten you somewhere good in life that you felt you deserved to be. Say for example you head to a convention for work, you did a bit of networking and met a few amazing people that told you to keep in touch with them if ever you needed anything. So knowing you, its game! So you get back into the groove of things, you check in and touch bases with them pretty frequently to let them know your ideas and points of views on your line of business, you're frequently keeping them in the're consistent af! Then one day, it happens. You have a wacky day and they reach out to touch bases with you but because you've had such a busy day full of maybe meetings that weren't as successful as you'd hoped and you've gotten off to a late and rough start, it slips your mind to get back with them and before you know it, the day has gotten away from you and its too late to reach worries it happens, there's always tomorrow! So the next day comes and let's say you get sick...bad sushi the night feel like crap! They shoot you a call to check in on how your line of business has been looking and you don't get back to them...understandable. As the days continue to pass and you continue to deal with various hurdles thrown in your path, you turn around and its been a few months now and finally something amazing happens. You struck gold with a business deal and you attempt to reach out to them to do a recommendation of some sort and to share the good news....but guess what no reply! You give it a few days...still the same! So what happened might you ask? well you got inconsistent! and no person or business in the matter of this case sees that as something or someone worth investing time and valuable resources in!
When you're consistent across the many great things will always be welcomed your way whether its love, good fortune, educational name it! If its in building order to build any type of interpersonal connection, understand people, especially us women, we wholeheartedly VALUE consistency, but when people who value their time value others who keep an open line of communication or do what they say they will do. If you want good grades, you have to consistently study and do your research! no one ever got good grades from studying one time and then decided to not study for the next test! Even with applying for jobs..just because you threw in a couple of apps and got a few interviews and didn't get the job doesn't mean that there isn't one out there for you! it just means to have to be consistent in your persistence in applying! Consistency is something todays generation is pretty darn awful at...and don't get me wrong, life happens and its okay to be off your game sometimes and i know we're all human but at the same time you've got to go out there and get it! I think this world needs less people who think things are suppose to come to them without taking initiative and putting in effort and more people who are willing to put in the effort and stay consistent across the board in everything thing that they do! Stay consistent and watch your world unfold!