Have you ever come across really amazing people only for it to simply always seem to be the wrong timing? To all the women who've ever come across people, only to have found out they're heavily involved in getting their education or working towards getting their next degree, or a world traveler who's always on the go and traveling the world at lightening speed, maybe even a business savvy person who's up to their necks in taking care of business, whether they're in the army, they're a doctor, a dentist...doesn't matter the occupation or lifestyle that's currently taking a front seat. There is nothing wrong with what is currently occupying their time, they're simply living their lives and trying to get to where their purpose is calling them to be, which may make the the timing a bit off and the same goes for us women, but while those things seem to have a leading role in their lives, never for one second, second guess you're own worth and all the many beautiful characteristics that you bring that can color someone's world. You are everything you are supposed to be...for the RIGHT person at the RIGHT time! Sometimes as women it can be a little hard to recognize what it is within us that makes us worthy of the best suitor or worthy of someone to invest genuine time in! If the right person wants you, you'll never find yourself competing for quality time together against long work hours after hours. You won't have to hand write a novel of all the do's and dont's that apply to you, because they will have put in enough time and energy to LEARN and KNOW you...without you even having to ask! You won't always find yourself having to initiate any form of contact or sweet gestures...because they'll be so in tune with you, you'll have what you NEED before your lips could ever form the request. Sometimes, timing can play a factor maybe in some cases distance can as well. However, the simple fact of you remembering that you are the right woman with all the right essentials can be of great comfort on your quest in the dating arena. In the mean time, while you wait, continue building yourself up and putting yourself first so that when perfect timing does come around, you're all set to go. Bad timing is a thing, but for the right people who are brought together, it doesn't exist!